Home loans are so commonplace that virtually all home buyers rely on funding for their purchase rather than paying cash. The ability to leverage a down payment and your credit rating to buy what is likely the most expensive asset you will ever own is a lifesaver for those looking to become homeowners. Without lenders, the property market would look dramatically different, but accessing this capital takes a bit of research and a unique measure of patience.
Home Buying Trends
The average first-time home buyer is getting older in Australia, the United States, and in hundreds of other local marketplaces around the world. This is a result of increasing property values and the eroding effect of inflation; however, that’s not the entire story here. Homebuyers are saving for longer in order to fund other purchases. Travel, family planning, and a lack of “career” jobs are all contributing to a longer lead time when considering a home buying opportunity.
Today, the average U.S. worker will hold more than twelve different jobs rather than the single-digit roles that a generation prior might have boasted. This trend is holding strong in global markets as well, and the housing industry is responding in kind.
Interest Rates
Because of these structural changes in the way lenders are interacting with buyers, interest rates and monthly payment obligations are changing as well. Lenders must entice buyers with competitive offers, and home loan rates that start with 1 are becoming a more common sight as a result. Unheard of a decade ago, the rate cuts at the federal level have made buying in the current marketplace an amazingly attractive option for many who hadn’t considered making the jump to homeowners just yet.
It’s important to remember, though, that a great interest rate is the product of good timing and an excellent credit score. Boosting credit scores requires a long-term commitment, and savings for a home buying opportunity is best done over the course of multiple years as a result. Starting early gives you the time to pay off existing loans while building a reservoir of cash that can be leveraged to put the traditional 20 percent down payment on the home of your dreams – or less than this if you’ve approached one of many banks that are offering lower down payment equity requirements.
Additional Purchasing Power
A home loan is essential for purchasing a home, of course. But your monthly payments can also include funding for additional purchasing power on top of the list price of the home you are buying. Borrowers often work in the additional capital that will be required in the form of upgrades or repairs.
For instance, a window replacement is a great idea when moving into an older home. Searching for “Muskegon window companies” for those buying a home in Michigan (or elsewhere for your local marketplace) can get you started on your search, but funding the endeavor will take a long-term plan.
Borrowing the capital you will need to create the home of your dreams is a great way to fund the entire project upfront, but it’s important to remember to factor this addition into your monthly payment plan. Many homeowners choose to add additional funds to their monthly payment to cover these additional expenses, or for faster overall repayment of the total loan amount.
Borrowing to purchase for first or next home can be a daunting task, but if you approach the opportunity with an open mind and a plan for success it just may come to represent the best decision you’ve ever made. Plan ahead and take control of your future.